Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Seorang sahabat yang juga temanku telah hilang di mata. Wahai Tuhanku, aku mengharapkan keredhaan-Mu di atas segala ketentuan ini dan sekiranya di dunia ini tiada rezeki lagi untuk kami bertemu, maka takdirkanlah kami bertemu di syurga-Mu kelak..( Rafeah Fazlina Ahmad )

Kerana kecintaan-Mu kepada kami, maka masih bisa lagi kami bernafas di muka bumi-Mu ini Ya Allah.. Sesungguhnya keEsaan-Mu wujud di mana-mana..( Rafeah Fazlina Ahmad )

Ya Allah, sesungguhnya masih ada di antara anak bangsa kami yang tersasar jauh dari jalan-Mu. Berikanlah petunjuk dan hidayah-Mu kepada mereka. Semoga mereka tidak akan menjadi orang-orang yang rugi..( Rafeah Fazlina Ahmad )

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be ...children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. ----------------------------- Sermon of the Mountain / Bible ( Charles Bauer )

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalms 34:18( Viola Osborne )

Urgent prayer needed. There is an ongoing attack on Bagram Air Field, the largest Military air field in Afghanistan.( Lisa Scheurer-Jahred)

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there exept those that sang best. So...chirp, chirp, chirp everyone! Love you!( Tina Annice Nichols)

A righteous man may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all Psalms 34:19( Viola Osborne )

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. James 3:17-18 ( Grace Muriuki )

Lord give me and my family strength and courage. Help me to let this go Lord, help me give it to you. Please heal my mom, my sister.. please keep your hand on us God. Give us patience, and forgiveness for the monster who has done this to us God. Please keep us safe. Pull us near your and guide us. Help us know what ste...ps to take to lead us back home, God. Let our justice system do the right thing, God. Please watch over my family. I know I can't be everywhere at once, and I panic everytime I leave someone I love. I am trying to trust that you will be there and protect us all, and let your will be done through us God, but I am struggling and falling. Help us learn to forgive.. Heal our broken hearts God. Help my family pull together through this. This too shall pass.. This too shall pass.(Juli Burrows )

Please pray for my dog cheekies for a tumor on her hind leg. She will be having it checked Thursday . Thank you and God Bless...( Latrice Flores )

Thank you Lord for another day and for giving me the strength....( Lakyia Thomas )


Let's pray for people who are suffering from mesothelioma. Let's do anything we can to comfort, encourage and help them. Please tell your friends how it can be prevented. Please visit this site to know more about it and other cancer-related issues, and how you can help cancer patients.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ya Allah, janganlah Engkau biarkan kami sesaatpun tanpa hidayah-Mu. Amin.( Rafeah Fazlina Ahmad )

Ya Allah, aku mohon pilihan terbaikMu dengan segala pengetahuanMu, aku mohon takdir ketetapanMu dengan segala kekuasaanMu dan aku memohon sebahagian karniaMu yang Agung. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Kuasa sementara aku tak berdaya, Engkau Maha Tahu sementara aku tak tahu. Engkau Maha mengetahui perkara gaib. Ya Allah, jika Eng...kau tahu hal ini baik untukku dalam agamaku, hidupku dan nasib akhirku maka tetapkanlah ia untukku dan mudahkanlah aku untuk meraihnya. Kemudian berkatilah aku didalamnya. Namun jika Engkau tahu bahwa hal ini buruk bagiku dalam agamaku, hidupku dan nasib akhirku maka jauhkanlah ia dariku dan jauhkanlah aku darinya dan tetapkanlah yang baik untukku dimanapun ia berada kemudian redhailah aku... Aku memohon kesejahteraan hidup bersama keluargaku dunia dan akhirat. ( Rafeah Fazlina Ahmad )

Dear God, I had lost contact with my dear friend Mwanaidi. I miss her so much and pray that You'll set fate for us to meet again one day, insyaAllah.( Rafeah Fazlina Ahmad )

Ich danke Dir für Deine Entscheidung jemand genesen zu lassen, der mir wichtig war. In Deine Händen lege ich mein Leben. ( Charles Bauer )

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Please I am going to see my husband and in-laws after almost 2 years of seperation please pray we will work out our differences with forgiveness and that GOD will restore what the enemy has stolen from marriages and homes around our nation. Also, pray that good spiritual mentors and wise leaders wi......ll come into my life to help me finacially be a success by becoming a life coach and investor to become a Lender no longer a borrower or struggle financially any longer....... In Jesus Name... Jesus bring the Rain!!!! My Harvest is coming, My Harvest is Coming!!!! ( Katrina Naldo )

hey all can you please pray for my friend he is conffussed and he needs some direction :D thanks guys ( Nat 'a' Lee )

Hello from “Would Jesus Go There”, New Zealand. We would greatly appreciate your prayers for this ministry, that it will continue to touch lives to the glory of God. Prayer and living in the word of God is key to winning in all of life's challenges, especially the challenges of safely using the internet. The internet c...an be a minefield to navigate, and keeping safe on the internet is one of the most important issues facing Christians and the world today. How do we keep ourselves safe while navigating the internet? Visit us at: www.wouldjesusgothere.com to see how. If you are inspired by and like the articles at WJGT, please invite your friends to visit our site also. Blessings, Steve

i am working here n Israel as a caregiver,i am asking u team please pray 4 this nation & me also that GOD answer my hearts desire.tnx ( Norma Abrera )

In jesus christ i saw a forgiving & loving God that helped me to repent ( George Xavier)

To God be the glory great things He has done & greater things He wl do!

please pray for my Neice that God would touch her body and rise her from her bed of affliction.....I will be praying for you ( Darnell Is Apostolic Horn )

Hi i would like you to pray for my daughter Njabulo and for God to intervene in her life,school and to help her to choose Godly friends. God said in his word when to or more are gathered in his name, he is in their midst,so i need your prayers brothers and sister in the Lord.( Leticia Khumalo )

I would like you too pray we are trying too sell our house but i don' t know why it wont sell .There was so many people that are interesting too buy the house but nothing is happening. So i need you too help praying brothers and sisters in the Lord.

Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for all that you have done for me in my life and for all you will do for me in the future as I stand in faith and expectance, in Jesus Holy name I pray. I pray , today, for all my brothers and sisters in Christ who may be praying to God for help. I stand in faith and agreement in prayer. Tha...nk you Jesus, in your Holy name I pray. ..Amen!!!!!!!!!

Thank GOD for this ministry and all the people that find it or as in my case given...Thankyou Jesus...Blessings on each and every one and we join forces together for all the Lord leads us to pray for. Please Keep my family in your prayers...I thank God for each and every one of them...Thankyou Lord in advance for what... you are doing and going to do, for we will see Your Hand in all of this...And we expect MIRACLES..As your Word declares...Thankyou Jesus for each and everyone of them......Peace be with you all!!!

Lord, as we come near to your return I pray for all of us, to reach out and grow stronger in your word, prayer and wisdom. I pray for my family and friends to keep them safe during the times of times, and pray for myself during my tour out here and to keep giving me strength as my duty is for you to help and heal the w...ounded not only physically but to also share your word as much as I can out here during my tour. You protect me and my fellow comrades, thank you. I pray for every soldier out here, I also pray for my family and friends to also give them strength during this trial of tribulation. Thank you for giving me another day wakeing up and breathing for you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen!


Dear God, Please give my beloved sister the very best of health....( Kenari Biru - Germany )

Danke, dass Du mich erschaffen hast und ich gesund hier leben darf. Ich versuche immer Deine Liebe weiter zu geben und deinen Willen zu erfüllen. Meine verstorbene Frau kann das irdische Leben nicht mehr genießen, aber Sie wird es nicht vermissen, da sie bei Dir ist. Danke, bis auch ich nicht nur im Geiste bei Dir bin.( Charles Bauer - Germany )

Pagi ini kulihat mentariMu memancar terik.. Petang ini kurasakan dinginMu dari titisan hujan membasahi tanah ini.. Aku bersyukur..( Rafeah Fazlina Ahmad - Malaysia)

Tuhanku, tabahkanlah hati kami menghadapi setiap ujian dan dugaan-Mu. Sesungguhnya Engkaulah perancang yang terbaik dan mengetahui setiap yang tidak diketahui oleh kami.. Ringankanlah bebanan hati kami ini dan kurniakanlah kepada kami jalan keluar yang terbaik untuk setiap permasalahan yang dihadapi. Amin. ( Rafeah Fazlina Ahmad - Malaysia )

Lieber Gott, one of my Facebook friends travelled to her homeland, far away from Europe, because her Mom is very sick. Please help my FB friend and her Mom. I know we all belong to you. And only you know, what is good for us.( Charles Bauer -Germany )

Jutaan terima kasih
kerana membesarkan anak mama ni..

Memberi sepenuh
kasih sayang...

dari kecik sampai
masuk sekolah..

Sampai bolih rasa
naik kapal terbang..

sampai bolih rasa
duduk kat negera orang...tanpa itu semua...anak ma bukan seperti anak ma yang sekarang ini...

Sampai akhir
hayat ini....

Jasa ma, tak kan
mampu anak ma nie ...nak balas...

Besar terlalu
besar….tinggi terlalu tinggi nilainya…

Hanya Allah saje
yang mampu membalas semua itu…

Semuga ma
diletakkan ditempat mereka2 yang solih…

Terima kasih ma….

Salam peluk

Yang benar,

Anak mama
yang jauh….Noor

( Kenari Biru - Malaysia )


O ALLAH! with your grace....please forgive our sins....unite all the humankind, be they Muslims or non-Muslims....AMIN! ( Willy Suriano Hariono - Malaysia )

Ya Dzul Jalaa liwal Ikraam, sesungguhnya hanya Engkau Yang Maha Mengetahui hatiku ini. Perkenankanlah doa-doaku. Lindungilah kami semua daripada perkara-perkara yang tidak diingini. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin. ( Rafeah Fazlina Ahmad - Malaysia )

O Allah, I beg to You the good which Your Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) begged of You; and I seek refuge in You from the evil where from Your Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) sought refuge. You are the One from Whom help is sought and Your is the responsibility to communicate (the truth). Th...ere is no power or strength except with Allah the Exalted, the Great. (At-Tirmidhi)

 Rafeah Fazlina Ahmad  ( Malaysia )

Please join me by interceding in prayer for Larry Ratze who is my good friend Lance Ratze from North Central Bible College's father. He is radically saved for the Lord & has a heart of God. He is having a life/death surgery today & I am touching agreeing, & believing he will be made whole again & be refined & purified ...(Brian G. Hurley - USA)

Allah Yang Maha Pengasih.. Hanya kepada-Mu jua tempatku memohon perlindungan. Kurniakanlah kesejahteraan hidup kepada kami. Sesungguhnya hanya Engkau jua yang mengetahui segala isi hati kami.. Perkenankanlah doa-doa kami. (Amin. Rafeah Fazlina Ahmad - Malaysia )

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Subhanallah,, maha suci allah...tiada tempat yang aku sembah selain darimu ya allah,, betapa sayunya hatiku ya allah andaikata aku tidak dapat menolong saudaraku untuk ku beri ilmu, jalan dan pengharapan dan sumber yang dapat membantu dirinya agar keluar dari kemiskinanan itu,, Jangan kau ambil dan tarik segala rezeki halal yang aku perolehi ini untuk ku kongsi dengan mereka yang aku cintai, walaupun sebenarnya aku sendiri tidak berdaya......... Jangan kau sikitkan rezki dan kurangkannya dari ku,, biarpun tidak sekaya mana,,aku gembira dan berpuas hati apabila mereka tersenyum menerimanya dariku Ya Allah.... Engkau yang maha kaya tuhan semesta alam yang mengaturnya dan menganugerahkan kan kekuatan dan kesenangan yang sedikit cuma untuk berkongsi dengan saudaraku,,kasihanilah mereka,,, mereka yatim piatu,, tanpa berbapa hanya beribu tua yang tak punya kudrat yang kuat YaAllah,, berilah kekuatan yang luarbiasa untuk ku bersama- sama mengenggam kejayaan dan kesenangan ini bersama saudara saudaraku,,,jangan kau putuskan rezkiku dan tali gengaman mu dari diriku hamba yang hina ini,,,,Amin Ya rabbal alamin....... Ya Allah,,,,dengan sedikit harta dan kejayaan ini ianya,, dapat ku janakan,, untuk mereka untuk mendapat redha mu,,,,,( Nurul Hassan-Malaysia )

I pray that Hugo and Gaya will sleep well tonight ( Lone Lambert - Denmark )

please get this headache away ( denmark )

dear Allah, please forgive me for my thoughts and my actions, for sometimes they question your greatness.- (Azman Hakim - Malaysia)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dear Beloved, I thank you for all the blessings that my loved ones, others and I have received, I pray that we all may always be the recipients of Thy blessings, and especially those, who no one prays for, may they receive even more blessings. May all our doubt and worries be replaced with comfort, direction and good n...ews - May we always be greatful, patient and strong in every condition, and always give out of pure things to others, who need it. I pray for the health and well being of everyone, for a long life filled with pure success and Grace -Please fulfill all our good efforts - May the soul of my father and all others who have left this life enjoy eternal peace and taste the fruits of Paradise - Please empower us all to exist with the potential we are created with today and always, to shine in Noor, to co-exist and to spread love to all - Love for all, hatred for none - ameen ya Rabbilalameen, ya Rahman.- ( Humma Bari -Denmark)

Please God..bagikan aku kesihatan yg terbaik untuk menempuh bulan Mac & April yang menyesakkan- (Haneem Kaydeen - Malaysia)

Doa selamat - Bakun, kukenang engkau dari jauh. Dari sebuah ingatan terkoyak dan rusuh. rabak dan rentan. Aku yang terkedu di kamar kaku Bangsat utama dan hujan lebat menyikat cemar kota – lambat-lambat menyerap kotor kimia dan asap ke dalam tanah masam, tajam berasid ini. Bakun, kutahu banyak yang telah terkorban. Rimba seluas singapura hanya tinggal gambar rajah sehelai peta lama. Kehidupan hutan tebal dicukur botak kemajuan. Habis togel ditarah pesta bogel pengkhianatan, gila harta, tamak kuasa haloba dunia kota. Konon empangan itu bekal tenaga menggerak nyawa tugu-tugu batu - Pembangunan. Bakun, bangkai kehidupan tenggelam tak berkafan. Bertakung, air bergenang. Tak ada yang tenang. Ia mimpi yang patah, musnah. Segalanya dah tercampak ke mana. Kehidupan orang ke mana. Empangan besar ke mana. Balak ke mana. Akhirnya yang tinggal tak bersembelih - yang tanggal tak berdalih - Hanyalah penderitaan, Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Bakun, bukan aku mahu bercakap bahasa dendam, bercita-cita menumpahkan kicap – hitam – hutang darah berbalas (aku puas!). Bakun, bukan itu. Tapi, selalu ada tapi, selalu ada kecuali. Apatah lagi dengan tubuh rusuhmu yang begini, kemarau kering – kontang dan terbongkang. Hujan basah, berkeruh becak, lopak berdarah. Bakun, engkau yang telah mati terlentang. Ruh merayap ke serata negeri, hinggap di tingkap kamar kaku bangsat utama, menggagau, seriau. Engkau belum aman lagi. Bakun, nanti aku akan terbang ke sana. Dengan kepak kenyalang kuseberang laut china selatan. Dengan pedang kita akan keluar memburu kepala-kepala puaka alam itu. 21.10.04 (bangsat utama, kl - Malaysia)

Monday, March 15, 2010

tak sempurna aku untuk ke syurga Mu...namun tak sanggup aku untuk ke neraka Mu...maka ampuni lah aku, ampuni jua kedua ibubapa ku...bimbinglah aku kejalan Mu,jadikan lah aku seorang yang bertakwa,hanya pada Mu aku memohon dan tiada yang selain dari Mu.... Aminnnn - ( Kenari Biru - Germany)

Dear Allah, From the most humble and deepest part of my heart i seek for your forgiveness and thank you for all the blessings and everything that you have granted to me Ya Allah.I see the "Rezeki & Wealth" received as my fuel for a better tommorow, i see the "PAIN AND SORROW" that i have gone through as a reminder and... sign that you want me to be closer to you, I see the 'LONELINESS AND THE PAST'as my route towards a devine future filled with abundance of Hidayah from you, YA ALLAH. AMEEN..- ( Iffah Sayed Mohamed - Malaysia)

O Lord, grant us good in the world and also good in the hereafter, save us from the punishment of Fire. May God shower mercy and peace to our Prophet Muhammad Bless and Praise the Lord for the administrators of the Worlds. Amin ya Robbal Alamin - ( Ijart Emir La - Malaysia)

Love your enemies no exceptions please! Loving someone who just not the same cultural background or religions as you are is not easy. Loving an associate who stabbed you in the back for personal gain is not easy. But these are the people that we are to love them for what they are anyway!!! Dear God, teach us how to love one another everyday in our lives ! - ( Venessa Cheah - Macau)

Hey Allah, Please forgives all of our sins and please shine the divine light of Hidayah to all mankind, especially to the owner of this wall. Ameen!- Shukor Yahya (malaysia)

dear god, please keep the simple things in the world safe from being corrupted.- Azman Hakim ( indonesia )

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dear God, THANK YOU for your guidance through these precious life, but please save me from the Hayfever...- Kenari Biru ( germany )

Ya Allah, terangkanlah hati dan limpahkanlah ilmu dalam jiwa ku, rahmatilah keluargaku dan murahkanlah rezeki kami.Let me be able to say sorry and to forgive and to let go...give me the energy to be myself, to love and be sincere in everything i do, let me die in the arms of my husband and children with clear conscience that i've done my part and responsibility the best that i can. Amin - people of the planet ( malaysia)

Ya Allah, sinarilah hatiku dengan sinaran cahaya pertunjukmu sebagaimana engkau menyinari bumi ini dengan cahaya mataharimu selama-lamanya...aku bermohon dengan rahmatmu wahai tuhan yang maha pengasih lagi penyayang..amin! - Rosidah Mazlan ( malaysia )

'I pray that there will always be hope'.- giles o'connell ( UK )

Jeg beder til mine forældre kommer igennem med modet i behold og uden for store ar på sjælen.- Helle Skov Nielsen ( denmark )

Ya Allah, permudahkanlah hidupku di dunia, supaya aku mendapat kesenangan di akhirat kelak. Bantulah golongan yang percaya, kerana merekalah insan yang baik amalnya. Amiin. Anak Bumi ( malaysia )

Forgive my eyes for what they overlooked. Forgive my hands for works done, and works unfinished. Forgive my mouth for its pride. If I die today, I die knowing my offense. - Avis Ahmon-Ra ( malaysia )

Ya Allah, bukakanlah kepada kami hikmat Mu, dan limpahkanlah atas kami rahmat dari perbendaharaan rahmat Mu, Ya Allah Tuhan kami yang maha kasih sayang - Fauziah Abdullah (malaysia ).

Monday, March 8, 2010

ya allah.. turunkanlah hujan rahmat. tidak mampu aku menahan bahang di bumiMU ini..dan tidak sanggup pula aku menghadapi bara nerakaMU nanti- Haneem Kaydeen (malaysia )

Ya Allah, himpunkanlah hati-hati kami dalam hasanah. Hapus hasad, hiba dan hampa. - Muhammad Firdaus Bin Ariff ( malaysia )

Cher Dieu, Tous ces petits du monde entier, à naître ou nés, méprisés, bafoués, rejetés, tués, tu les aimes passionnément quand bien même nous ne les aimons pas ou si peu. Je te demande pardon pour ma part dans cette situation et te supplie de nous ouvrir les yeux sur les merveilles (ps139 v.14) qu’ils sont aussi. Amen Marie-Christine ( Switzerland )

the translation is as follows:

Dear God,

All those little ones from the world over, unborn or born, despised, ill treated, rejected, killed, you love them passionately even though we don’t love them or not enough.
I beg forgiveness for my share in this situation and beg you to open our eyes on the marvels (psalm 139 verse 14) that they are too.



Ya Allah kau selamatkan lah ibuku yang sedang sakit, kembalikanlah kesihatannya seperti dulu. Ya Allah, kau yang maha pemurah dan maha mengasihani, kau makmulkanlah doa hamba mu ini.amin ( kamal sabran - malaysia )


Dear God, please save my sick mother , please return her health to normal. Dear God, for you are the most generous and compassionate . Please answer my prayers, amen.

aku takut pada setiap hari,setiap hari mati, ku doakan setiap konsisi dari setiap posisi dengan ketulusan hati ku sendiri,kerna setiap hari aku takut jika aku tidak mati sebagai diri ku sendiri.- Azaikmal@Bdaz. ( malaysia )

Dear God, next time you make an upgrade to our DNA code can you please remember that the qualities of empathy, love and sharing should be the ultimate factors determining success in this world rather than being a corrupt, violent, power-crazed psychopath ( UK )

Tidak perlu mencari secantik Balkis andai diri tak sehebat Sulaiman mengapa mengharap teman setampan Yusof jika kasih tak setulus Zulaikha Tak perlu mengharap teman yang seteguh IBrahim Andai diri tak sehebat Siti Hajar, dan mengapa didambakan teman hidup yang sempurna MUhammmad jika ada keburukan pada diri.Bimbinglah dirinya dan dan diriku dan terimalah segala kelemahan ini dan kekurangan ini sebagai keunikan. Carilah kebaikan pada dirinya Bersyukurlah kerana dipertemukan dengannya dan berdoa;ah dia miliku YaAllah YaTuhan kami, seandainya telah kau catatkan dia milikku, tercipta untukku dekatkanlah dia padaku Satukanlah hatinya dengan hatiku Titipkanlah kemesraan diantara kami agar kebahgian itu abadi dan tuhanku yang maha pengasih Seiringkanlah kami dalam melayari ketepian yang sejahtera sepertimana Yang engkau kehendakkan.. Amin ( malaysia )

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I would like to pray for world peace and the fullness of life. Sand T ( USA )

GUD, i dag beder jeg dig dele et stærkt fællesskab med mig. Jeg ved, at dit virkelige navn er kærlighed, og at være i fællesskab med dig vil sige, at dele den samme energi som du er, for du er det eneste, der eksisterer i universet. Hjælp mig med at være lige som du er, at elske livet, at være i livet, at være kærligheden. Hjælp mig med at elske, som du elsker, uden betingelser, uden forventninger, uden forpligtelser, ja uden at dømme nogen eller noget. Hjælp mig med at acceptere uden at dømme mig selv, for når jeg dømmer mig selv, finder jeg mig skyldig og føler behov for at blive straffet. Hjælp mig med at elske alt, hvad du har skabt, især naturen, dyrene og menneskene, især dem der lever omkring mig, og dem jeg bestræber mig på at elske. For når jeg afviser dem, afviser jeg mig selv, og når jeg afviser mig selv, afviser jeg dig. Hjælp mig med at elske og acceptere dem som de er, uden at dømme dem. For når jeg dømmer dem, finder jeg dem skyldige og føler behov for at straffe dem. Frigør mit hjerte for al den følelsesmæssige gift jeg har, og gør mit sind fri for alle domme, så jeg kan føle din absolutte frihed, ja din altomfavnende kærlighed. I dag er en særlig dag. I dag åbner jeg mit hjerte for at elske igen, så når jeg siger til nogen - ” jeg elsker dig ” - kan jeg sige det uden frygt og virkelig mene det. I dag giver jeg mig selv til kærligheden. Brug mine øjne, brug mine ører, brug mine hænder, brug mit hjerte, ja - brug min væren, så jeg kan dele ud af mig selv i et sandt kærlighedsfællesskab. GUD, lad mig være ligesom du er i dag. Tak for alt det, som jeg får mulighed for i livet i dag, især for friheden til at vælge at være den, jeg virkelig er. Tak for, at du altid er hos mig, også selv om at jeg ikke altid er bevidst om det. Må kærlighedens ånd, være min viljes vej.... See more TAK FOR UNIVERSETS KÆRLIGHED TAK FOR AT VI ALLE ER ET TAK GUD ( denmark )

" Wahai Tuhanku! Janganlah Engkau biarkan daku bersendirian (tanpa meninggalkan zuriat) dan Engkau adalah waris yang paling baik" (Surah Al-Anbiyaa', Ayat 89). - Dewi Senja ( malaysia )


O my Lord! leave me not without offspring, though Thou art the best of inheritors.

What I'd like For the seas I'd like a ship old, but weatherly with two eyes always looking outward Shorebound I'd like a circus tent colourful, but shabby with a noble blue pennant calling me home under the evening sky For love I'd like a sturdy rope in steady hands long enough for every journey strong enough at each return For the future I'd like a another day lengthy, but fruitful and a chance to see you again For now I'd like a prayer Silent, colourless and weightless for all these things I think I'd like I think I'd need To live the life I want - (malaysia )